Clinical cases
 Carlos Bóveda Z.


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  The invited case # 2 : Dr. Yosef Nahmias

Our second guest was Dr. Yosef Nahmias, founder of the Endoweb, in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

 (click on the images to enlarge) 

17 year old patient that presents to the clinic with sensitivity localized at the first upper left premolar area. The clinical evaluation shows that this tooth has three crowns, aparently produced by a gemination process. Although the tooth has no restorations (only pit and fissure sealants), the pulpal organ has necrosed in part probably due to the unussual anatomy.

The radiographic evaluation shows three aparently individual roots. The periapical image due to the pulpal lesion is also evident.

The approach was done through one of the crowns. The foramens where located with the use of an electronic apex locator.

View of the aproach of the case.

Radiographic image of the obturation done with gutapercha and the use of a system B.

Clinical cases by prior guests : # 1 - Dr. Gary Carr

¿Do you have an interesting clinical case that you would like to share with all of us ? Please send us an e-mail to

 Carlos Bóveda Z. May 1999